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Penn Street with Holmer Green


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Holy Trinity Church, Penn Street  and Christ Church, Holmer Green


There are  many church-run activities other than Sunday Worship.  For information on any of these activities, please leave a message at the Parish Office 01494-715195.

Our Church Centre also hosts various external classes, groups and activities from

the community at large.

Tiddlywinks Baby & toddler group:- Church Centre, Holmer Green (HP15 6XQ)

Mondays 1:30 to 3:00 pm, during school terms. £2.00 per family. All families welcome.
A friendly, relaxing and stimulating environment for children from birth to pre-school ages and their carers. We look forward to seeing you.
Now in its 14th year. For more information, please contact Joan on 01494-718466.   

These will restart as soon as appropriate.

Link-Up Bereavement Group. A bereavement group offering friendship, understanding, support and hope. Link-Up meets at the Church Centre (HP15 6XQ). There are people to talk to and books and leaflets to browse and borrow. Usually 3rd Friday morning 11:00 am to 12:00 noon, followed by an optional sharing lunch.

Contact: Joan  on 01494-718466. Information Leaflet  It's in its 26th year.

CREAM TEAS on Sundays at Grade II-Listed Holy Trinity Church, Penn Street (HP7 0PX), also known as the Church in the Wood. Cream Teas from 23rd June to 4th August this year when the church will close for a few weeks for repairs to the organ.

  Mmmm, cake, scones, cream, jam, tea, coffee, squash - great before or after a walk in the lovely Penn Woods.


Groups                        Groups

Pastoral Care TEAM


Within our Parish there are those who may feel isolated for whatever reason in their time of need, and if that is you or someone you know, please call Carol 01494 714075 who will arrange for you to talk with one of our team.

Churches Together in Holmer Green.

We share hosting for this with the Baptist Church

For those seeking encouragement and fellowship in the Christian faith 2:00 pm on (usually) 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month in the Church Centre (HP15 6XQ) or in the Baptist Church.(HP15 6TD). From time to time we also have Presentations/Speakers. Some Meetings are open to all.  See Newsletter to catch one.

Or contact: Mary on 01494814767             Information Leaflet

Bereavement Group


Just drop in. Twice monthly:- 2nd & 4th Thursdays 12:30 to 1:30 pm  - at the Church Centre, Holmer Green, (HP15 6XQ).

Hot Soup, a roll, a piece of cake, fresh fruit, a cup of tea or coffee, all for a minimum donation of £3. Open to all.


4th Saturday of every month 10:00 am to 12:00 noon

All welcome to enjoy a cuppa & chat with friends.

In the Church Centre, Holmer Green HP15 6XQ